Honors Dormitory
Texas Tech University System

Alderson & Associates, Inc. provided commissioning services for the HVAC, BAS, and exterior lighting systems for the new Honors Residence Hall which is a 81,532 GSF square foot 4-story dormitory building. The hall will house 313 students from the honors college. HVAC: The buildings environmental system consists of 2 outside air heating and ventilating units with heat-wheel energy recovery, 204 heating and cooling fan coil units operating on local thermostats, 2 chilled water pumps, 2 heating hot water pumps, 1 steam to hot water heat exchanger, 2 steam to domestic hot water heating units, 8 unit heaters and 2 exhaust fans. BAS: To facilitate operation by campus Building Engineers, a detailed Graphic User Interface (GUI) has been installed to provide detailed building information. This allows the Building Engineers to control the entire environmental system from a single seat with precision and accuracy. Lighting: Exterior lights come on at dusk and turn off at dawn. There is also a photo-cell to turn the light on and off other than night time hours if daylight levels warrant.

Client: Texas Tech University System

AAI: 16015

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