Welch Hall Renovation
The University of Texas at Austin

Phase II of the Welch Hall renovation will modernize approximately 58,600 GSF of the west side of the Welch Hall 1929 Wing. Renovations recommended include the addition of a mixture of chemistry teaching labs, temporary labs to be future Analytical Chemistry research labs, faculty offices, and a conference center in addition to other smaller conference and meeting spaces.

Alderson & Associates, inc. made analytical research lab space on the second and third levels, with wet lab research and teaching space located on the fourth and fifth levels. There will be a conference center located on the fourth level.

The Mechanical requirements for the Welch West wing renovation were a large portion of the renovation efforts. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (SBSB-5) followed the project as applicable. The scope includes the upgrade and replacement of existing MEP systems to accommodate the new functions associated with current standards.

Client: The University of Texas at Austin

AAI: 14029

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